Wednesday, 6 August 2014

SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI dari warga partylillo shoppe buat semua pelanggan dan kenalan serta umat islam di Malaysia.....

Maaf zahir & Batin....semoga anda terus menyokong partylillo shoppe.....

Saturday, 22 March 2014



Photo: Ready for Adik Zafran Event
Nak deco sendiri kami ada menawarkan belon 20/pcs dengan macam2 warne dan harge murah...

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Balloons to Order

We're just post our balloons product for your order!! 
Minimum order are 20 pieces except for foil balloons

a) Metallic colours 12"

RM 0.45 = 1 pieces
There's multiple colors of this balloons that u can choose:

b)Plain color balloons 12"

RM: 0.40 = 1 pieces
There's multiple colors of this balloons that u can choose.

c)Round balloons 5"  

RM 0.25 = 1 pcs 
There's multiple colors that you can choose.

d) Heart shape 5" balloons

 RM 0.25 = 1 pieces
There's multiple colors of this balloons that u can choose,please inform us your choice.

e)Heartshape balloons 12"


RM 0.50 = 1 pcs
You can choose the colour.

f) polka dot balloons 12''

RM 1.00 = 1 pcs 
There's multiple colors that you can choose

g)Long-slim balloons = RM 0.20= 1 pcs (minimum order 30 pcs)

For long-slim balloons,please inform us your choice colors and design shape.

h)Foil Balloons

a)Animation foil balloons 17" =  RM 15.50 pcs

b)Super shape foil balloons 30" = RM 31.00 pcs

you can select the balloon animation / cartoon that you like:
-Disney princess
-Mickey mouse
-Toy's story
-Hello kitty
-Spongebob squarepants
-Sesame street

c)Foil Number balloons. (0-9) RM 31.00= 1 pcs

d) Letters foil Balloons (A-Z) RM 31.00 = 1 pcs

For foil balloons, you can choose the design and animation character that you guys like!!! :)

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Partylillo shoppe

Partylillo shoppe menyediakan pakej decoration untuk majlis hari jadi di bawah bajet anda..

Decoration adalah mengikut citarasa dan permintaan kartun/animasi kesukaan si comel anda.

We are supply balloons , goodies bag and decorations acessories for birthday events.